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Tehnici de manipulare

Pointing out potential problems

Tehnici de manipulare  | 14 iulie 2009 | Aciduzzul
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161 views, Fara comentarii

manipulare“You want to start your own business that resonates more with who you are? Oh, that is wonderful. I wish you luck. So many startup businesses fail within five years, the statistics says, though. . .” Does he really know what the stats mean? Is he with you to better the chances? Or is he just afraid himself, and wants you to be afraid, too? citeste si comenteaza

Direct put-down disguised as a joke

Tehnici de manipulare  | 14 iulie 2009 | Aciduzzul
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203 views, Fara comentarii

manipulare“It should be illegal for non-MBA’s to start businesses – what the heck do they know, lol, look at the failure rate (add demeaning body language here)! Hey, I didn’t mean you! Cheer up.”
It’s supposed to be unsociable not to understand jokes, and they utilize this social conditioning. They say something really un-nice, and when your feeling is hurt, they treat you as naïve. citeste si comenteaza

“Count the blessings” you already have

Tehnici de manipulare  | 14 iulie 2009 | Aciduzzul
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164 views, Fara comentarii

manipulare“We are happy as we are. We should be. Look at what you’ve earned – and there are lots of less fortunate people out there, you know. . .” This is a twisted logic. Of course, we, each one of us, are blessed as we are. But it doesn’t mean we should stagnate where we are. Don’t feel guilty for seeking more. citeste si comenteaza

“What is the point?” apathy

Tehnici de manipulare  | 14 iulie 2009 | Aciduzzul
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181 views, Fara comentarii

manipulare“Well, you know it takes so much work to be successful in business. . . Do you really want to do that? You are ten years from comfortable retirement. . .”
From their perspective, the glass is always half empty, no matter what you do. They don’t even point out potential problems. They don’t pretend to be content. citeste si comenteaza

Acting out

Tehnici de manipulare  | 14 iulie 2009 | Aciduzzul
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149 views, Fara comentarii

manipulareYou talk with your family about your decision to go back to school. Everyone seems happy. So you start the application process. Suddenly, out of the blue, there is a surprise in the family – some kind of crisis – like your spouse’s car breaks down and you need a chunk of money to buy a new car. citeste si comenteaza


Tehnici de manipulare  | 12 iulie 2009 | Aciduzzul
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314 views, Fara comentarii

manipulationAmorsarea este o tehnica proprie celor ce lucreaza in comert (in SUA este cunoscuta sub numele de low-ball si este folosita in vanzarea de automobile). Ea consta in a determina subiectul sa ia o decizie fie pomenindu-i de anumite avantaje fictive, fie ascunzandu-i anumite inconveniente. citeste si comenteaza

Amagirea (Momeala)

Tehnici de manipulare  | 12 iulie 2009 | Aciduzzul
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190 views, Fara comentarii

manipulationO alta tehnica foarte folosita de comercianti este aceea a amagirii. De aceasta data, subiectul este determinat sa ia decizia adoptarii unui comportament avand ca scop obtinerea unor avantaje. Dupa ce decizia este luata, subiectul ia cunostinta de schimbarea conditiilor (deci nu mai are posibilitatea sa adopte aelasi comportament) dar i se ofera posibilitatea adoptarii unui comportament similar (care insa nu prezinta aceleasi avantaje). citeste si comenteaza

Piciorul in usa

Tehnici de manipulare  | 12 iulie 2009 | Aciduzzul
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1,170 views, Fara comentarii

tehnici_manipularePiciorul in usa este o tehnica ce tine de manipularea cotidiana. Procedeul este realizat astfel: se obtine de la un subiect (evident, acesta beneficiaza de libertatea de-a alege) un comportament preparatoriu simplu si putin costisitor. Procesul se va petrece in imprejurari care faciliteaza angajamentul. citeste si comenteaza

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