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That explains a lot! Scientists Claim 40% of Population Infected with “Mind Control Parasite”

English section, Psihologie, Sanatate  | 5 aprilie 2013 | Aciduzzul
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JG Vibes
Recently a team of scientists made a statement claiming that up to 40% of people are infected with brain parasites that have the ability to alter human behavior. Joanne Webster, professor of parasite epidemiology at Imperial College London, explains that many parasites favor the brain, “because it shelters them from the full fury of the immune system”. But, she says, “it also gives them direct access to the machinery to alter the host’s behavior”. The Telegraph reported that “there is a single-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii, which is found in domestic cats, and is estimated to infect 350,000 people a year in Britain. Its effect on humans became the obsession of Jaroslav Flegr, professor of evolutionary biology citeste si comenteaza

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