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De ce solicita Hillary Clinton in 2009 informatii cu privire la vulnerabilitatile, personalitatea, averea, starea de sanatate a actualilor lideri, a celor in devenire, a consilierilor, precum si datele lor biometrice? VIDEO/NOTA ORIGINALA (Saccsiv)
Aciduzzul | 3 decembrie, 2010 | 0 comentarii | 130 vizualizari |
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O telegrama din 16 iunie 2009 de la Departamentul american de Stat si semnata de Hillary Clinton solicita explicit informatiicu privire la vulnerabilitatile, personalitatea, averea, starea de sanatate a actualilor lideri, a celor in devenire, precum si a consilierilor lor. In plus se cer informatii biometrice despre ei. Noi dezvaluiri despre Romania in documentele publicate de WikiLeaks! Secretarul american de stat Hillary Clinton a cerut anul trecut colectarea de date personale si detaliile “biometrice” ale liderilor romani. Noua informatie vine dupa ce s-a aflat deja ca un fost comisar european pentru Relatii Externe a numit Romania un “stat salbatic”, iar ambasada Statelor Unite de la Paris considera tara noastra o sursa pentru traficul de persoane in Franta. Noul mar al discordiei este o telegrama plecata pe 16 iunie 2009 de la Departamentul american de Stat si semnata de Hillary Clinton.

In telegrama, dezvaluita de WikiLeaks si publicata de The Guardian, se solicita explicit informatii cu privire la vulnerabilitatile, personalitatea, averea, starea de sanatate a actualilor lideri, a celor in devenire, precum si a consilierilor lor. In plus se cer informatii biometrice despre ei.

Diplomatii americani aveau obligatia sa relateze la Washington si detalii despre grupurile de crima organizata, despre traficul de droguri si de fiinte umane, despre criminalitatea informatica sau pornografia infantila. Telegrame similare au fost trimise catre mai multe ambasade americane din lume, dar si catre ONU.

De departe insa cea mai stanjenitoare dezvalurire despre Romania de pana acum a fost scrisa in 2004 si este semnata de un fost comisar european pentru Relatii Externe, Chris Patten.

“Romania, un stat salbatic, nu este suficient pregatita sa adere la Uniunea Europeana”, credea comisarul european, in contextul in care tara noastra facea la acel moment eforturi disperate sa indeplineasca toate conditiile pentru a intra in marea familie europeana.

Dezvalurile Wikileaks cuprind si alte depese in care este pomenita Romania. Astfel, in octombrie 2009, ambasada americana de la Paris trimitea la sediul FBI o nota in care Romania era considerata o sursa importanta pentru traficul de persoane, exploatate de retelele de proxenetism din Franta.

Si tot din documentele Wikileaks reiese ca summitului NATO din 2007 a fost organizat la Bucuresti ca urmare a reorientarii Statelor Unite catre regiunea Marii Negre.

În privinţa politicii externe, Statele Unite sunt interesate de relaţiile României cu state vecine din regiunea Mării Negre şi Balcani, “detalii despre dispute şi rivalităţi cu state vecine”, “politicile, planurile şi eforturile privind minorităţile româneşti din ţările învecinate”, cele “de promovare a democraţiei în Europa de Est şi Balcani, în special Macedonia”, privind “Republica Moldova şi Kosovo” sau referitoare la scutul antirachetă. Alte două note adresate diplomaţilor americani din Ungaria şi Slovenia solicitau date biometrice despre liderii din aceste ţări, precum şi despre eforturile şi planurile vizând Republica Moldova şi Kosovo.

Relaţiile României cu Rusia sunt tratate separat, diplomaţii americani fiind instruiţi să afle posibilele “vulnerabilităţi la nivel ministerial ale liderilor sau oficialilor din serviciile de informaţii” române, precum şi date generale privind vulnerabilitatea României în faţa influenţei Rusiei.

Potrivit lui Gerard Araud, fost director general pentru Afaceri Politice şi de Securitate în Ministerul francez de Externe, Rusia are într-adevăr o istorie revizionistă şi ea ar putea argumenta că bazele americane din Bulgaria şi România nu au fost înfiinţate doar pentru instruirea militarilor, ci de fapt au constituit noi mobilizări “substanţiale”. Declaraţiile sale sunt incluse într-o altă notă diplomatică, din 12 iunie 2007, redactată de ambasadorul SUA în Franţa, Craig R. Stapleton, şi care reprezintă o transcriere a unei discuţii între Gerard Araud şi subsecretarul american pentru Afaceri Politice, William Burns.

Pe tema Uniunii Europene, sunt cerute “dovezi şi opinii despre măsura tot mai mare în care România se bazează pe sprijinul UE, în detrimentul sprijinului Statelor Unite”, dovezi privind managementul defectuos al fondurilor UE şi eforturile Guvernului (român) de a asigura o administrare transparentă a asistenţei străine”.

În privinţa NATO, autorităţile americane sunt interesate de capacitatea României de a menţine cheltuielile de apărare pentru această organizaţie şi de a se conforma obiectivelor Alianţei, precum şi de capacitatea Guvernului, inclusiv a serviciilor de securitate, de informaţii şi militare, de a proteja informaţii clasificate ale Statelor Unite sau NATO.

Alte informaţii solicitate de Departamentul de Stat american se referă la cooperarea României cu Statele Unite în direcţia neproliferării nucleare, traficul de arme de pe teritoriul ţării noastre, măsurile autorităţilor române privind combaterea terorismului, sprijinirea armatei americane sau informaţii despre infrastructura de telecomunicaţii din România.

Site-ul WikiLeaks, specializat în dezvăluirea de documente secrete, a început duminică publicarea unui set de peste 250.000 de note diplomatice americane, acţiune considerată de Departamentul de Stat american drept “un atac la adresa comunităţii internaţionale”.

Comentariu saccsiv:

Asadar, pe 16 iunie 2009 Hillary Clinton „solicita explicit informatii cu privire la vulnerabilitatile, personalitatea, averea, starea de sanatate a actualilor lideri, a celor in devenire, precum si a consilierilor lor. In plus se cer informatii biometrice despre ei.”

Sa ne amintim ca personajul recunostea pe 15 iulie 2009 ca este fericita ca Council on Foreign Relations a creat un avanpost in Washington DC, deoarece aceasta inseamna ca nu mai trebuie sa calatoreasca prea departe pentru a-si primi ordinele:

“Primim o multime de sfaturi de la Consiliu si aceasta inseamna ca nu va mai trebui sa merg prea departe pentru a ni se spune ce trebuie sa facem si cum trebuie sa ne gandim la viitor.”

De ce stapanii doreau sa stie aceste detalii? Probabil pentru a-l desemna pe cel ce va castiga alegerile prezindentiale din Romania. Era foarte important, caci viitorul presedinte crea majoritatea in parlament, deci si guvernul. Deci nu era vorba doar de personajul ce trebuia sa ocupe fotoliul de la Cotroceni, ci de un intreg grup.

Sursa: Saccsiv

Textul original al notei publicata de Wikileaks

Tuesday, 16 June 2009, 21:45
S E C R E T STATE 062395
EO 12958 DECL: 06/16/2034
REF: STATE 18770

1. (S/NF) This cable provides the full text of the new National HUMINT Collection Directive (NHCD) on Romania (paragraph 3-end) as well as a request for continued DOS reporting of biographic information relating to Romania (paragraph 2).

A. (S/NF) The NHCD below supercedes the NHCD contained in Ref C and reflects the results of a recent Washington review of reporting and collection needs focused on Romania and sets forth a list of priorities (paragraph 3) and reporting and collection needs (paragraph 4) intended to guide participating USG agencies as they allocate resources and update plans to collect information on Romania. The priorities may also serve as a useful tool to help the Embassy manage reporting and collection, including formulation of Mission Strategic Plans (MSPs).

B. (S/NF) This NHCD is compliant with the National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF), which was established in response to NSPD-26 of February 24, 2003. If needed, GRPO can provide further background on the NIPF and the use of NIPF abbreviations (shown in parentheses following each sub-issue below) in NHCDs.

C. (S/NF) Important information responsive to the NHCD often is available to non-State members of the Country Team whose agencies participated in the review leading to the NHCD,s issuance. COMs, DCMs, and State reporting officers can assist by coordinating with other Country Team members to encourage relevant reporting through their own or State Department channels.

2. (S/NF) State biographic reporting ) including on Romania:

A. (S/NF) The intelligence community relies on State reporting officers for much of the biographical information collected worldwide. Informal biographic reporting via email and other means is vital to the community’s collection efforts and can be sent to the INR/B (Biographic) office for dissemination to the IC. State reporting officers are encouraged to report on noteworthy Palestinians as information becomes available.

B. (S/NF) Reporting officers should include as much of the following information as possible when they have information relating to persons linked to Romania: office and organizational titles; names, position titles and other information on business cards; numbers of telephones, cell phones, pagers and faxes; compendia of contact information, such as telephone directories (in compact disc or electronic format if available) and e-mail listings; internet and intranet “handles”, internet e-mail addresses, web site identification-URLs; credit card account numbers; frequent flyer account numbers; work schedules, and other relevant biographical information.

3. (S/NF) Romanian NHCD – priority issues:

A. National Leadership and Governance 1) Rule of Law, Corruption, and Crime (CRIM-4) 2) National Leadership (LEAD-3H) 3) Political Evolution and Democratic Reform (DEPS-4H) B. Financial Stability, Energy Security, and Societal Challenges 1) Financial Stability and Economic Development (ECFS-5) 2) Energy Security (ESEC-3H) 3) Money Laundering (MONY-5H) 4) Demographics, Minorities, and Human Rights (DEMG-5H) C. Foreign Relations 1) Black Sea, Balkans, and Other Regional Neighbors (FPOL-4H) 2) Russia (FPOL-4H) 3) European Union (FPOL-4H) 4) The United States (FPOL-4H) 5) International Organizations and Other Foreign Relations (FPOL-4H) D. National Security 1) GRPO can provide text of this issue. 2) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (FMCC-4H) 3) Force Structure, Modernization, and Readiness (FMCC-4H) 4) Proliferation and Counterproliferation (ACWP-4H) 5) Counterterrorism and Terrorism (TERR-4H) 6) Information to Support US Military Operational Planning (INFR-5H) E. Telecommunications Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFR-5H)

4. (S/NF) Reporting and collection needs:

A. National Leadership and Governance

1) Rule of Law, Corruption, and Crime (CRIM-4). Policies, plans, and efforts to develop, protect, and strengthen independent and effective judiciary, including advocates, opponents, obstacles, and progress. Government, non-public and public views about, and indications of, impact of corruption and crime on governance, internal development, financial stability, intelligence and security services, weapons security, military readiness, and foreign investment. Details about organized crime groups, including leadership, links to government and foreign entities, drug and human trafficking, money laundering, credit card fraud, and computer-related crimes, including child pornography. Details about cyber crime. Government plans and efforts to combat cyber crime. Details about drug trafficking, including trends, types of drugs, production, identification of trafficking groups and individuals, money laundering, and smuggling methods and routes. Government counter-drug control and enforcement plans, organizations, capabilities, and activities. Government efforts to cooperate with international partners to control illicit drug trade. Illegal acquisition of government documents, such as passports and driver licenses. Links between organized crime groups, cyber criminals, and terrorists. Details about law enforcement organizations and capabilities, including procedures, capabilities, challenges, and plans to remedy obstacles to swift and equal justice. Plans and efforts of law enforcement organizations to use biometric systems.

2) National Leadership (LEAD-3H). Objectives, strategies, efforts, authorities, and responsibilities of national leaders. Philosophies and motives behind leadership objectives, strategies, and efforts. Identities, motives, influence, and relations among principal advisors, supporters, and opponents. Decisionmaking procedures, including differences under varying circumstances. Relations among national government entities, including president, premier, ministers, national security and defense council, intelligence and security services, legislature, prosecutor general, and judiciary. Corruption among senior officials, including off-budget financial flows in support of senior leaders. Sources of funding for political candidates, and government plans and efforts to ensure funding transparency. Public support for or opposition to administration, as well as government strategies and tactics to increase, maintain, and exercise authority. Assessment, vulnerability, personality, financial, health, and biometric information about current and emerging leaders and advisors.

3) Political Evolution and Democratic Reform (DEPS-4H). Government and public commitment to, and plans and efforts to protect and strengthen, representative government, rule of law, freedom of press, religious freedom, private ownership, and individual liberties. Policies and efforts regarding political, judicial, economic, social, and educational reform. Plans and programs to manage perceptions, including through media manipulation. Popular attitudes about Romania,s evolving political, philosophical, and regional identity. Identification, roles, goals, and composition of significant societal groups, such as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Developments within political parties and blocs. Details about internal workings of major political parties. Strength and vitality of political parties. Information about opposition and extremist groups, including domestic and foreign support.

B. Financial Stability, Energy Security, and Societal Challenges

1) Financial Stability and Economic Development (ECFS-5). Plans and efforts to respond to global financial crisis. Public response to financial challenges. Leadership concerns about, and efforts to avoid, economic collapse. Opposition, extremist, and fringe group plans and efforts to exploit financial crisis to achieve objectives. Plans and efforts regarding economic cooperation with the US, EU, Group of Eight, and international financial institutions, including World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Paris Club. Plans and efforts to pursue economic reform, including among monetary and fiscal policies. Plans and efforts to develop national infrastructure, and private sector and market institutions, including financial system. Plans and efforts to adopt international investment norms, protect intellectual property, and support entrepreneurs, especially in small and medium businesses. Plans and efforts to attract and retain foreign investment. Plans and efforts to protect foreign investors from government corruption and inefficiencies. National and regional economic conditions, including real output, domestic and foreign investment, foreign trade, capital flight, monetization, and gray economy. Plans and efforts to limit capital flight and barter. Economic policy decisionmaker identities, philosophies, roles, interrelations, and decisionmaking processes. Role of private businessmen in economic planning. Published and non-published national budget, including oversight and associated banks and financial institutions. Details about major financial institutions. Plans and efforts to comply with IMF agreements. Plans and efforts regarding Euro adoption.

2) Energy Security (ESEC-3H). Policies, plans, and efforts to diversify energy sources and develop, rehabilitate, or expand energy infrastructure, including investment in capacity, efficiency, storage, nuclear power, flex-fuel, or other sources of alternative energy. Details about financing strategies, and openness to foreign investment. Willingness, plans, and efforts to develop and implement unified Europe energy security strategy. Declared and secret energy agreements with Russia, Iran, other Caspian basin countries, and others. Details about national energy policymakers, key commercial figures in the sector, and their relations with other national leaders. Views about and responses to Russian plans and efforts regarding Romanian dependence on Russian energy. Factors, including corruption and foreign influence, affecting government decisionmaking on key energy issues. Energy imports, including sufficiency, impact on economy, and influence on bilateral relations. Organized crime involvement in energy sector.

3) Money Laundering (MONY-5H). Government plans and efforts to implement anti-money laundering legislation, enforcement, and prosecution. Money laundering, including methods, techniques, transactions, locations, and associated individuals, organizations, and institutions. Use of shell corporations and non-financial intermediaries, such as lawyers, accountants, and casinos, as well as related bank accounts to launder criminal proceeds. Links between money laundering groups and terrorists. Drug traffic involvement in money laundering. Use of money laundering as an influence-gaining measure.

4) Demographics, Minorities, and Human Rights (DEMG-5H). Information about, and government policies and efforts regarding, religious and ethnic minorities, especially Hungarians, Roma, and Turks. Public attitudes toward minorities. Indications of human rights abuses. Details about demography, including birth rate, fertility rate, mortality rate, incidence of infectious diseases, and migration. Plans and efforts to respond to declining birth rates, including through promotion of immigration.

C. Foreign Relations

1) Black Sea, Balkans, and Other Regional Neighbors (FPOL-4H). Plans and efforts regarding relations with Black Sea and other regional neighbors. Plans and efforts to jointly respond to challenges regarding counterterrorism, counterproliferation, counternarcotics, and illegal migration. Plans and efforts regarding cooperative agreements, especially Black Sea FOR, Harmony, Enhanced Black Sea Security Proposal, and Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone. Romanian participation in US-sponsored programs designed to promote regional security cooperation, healthy civil-military relations, and effective management of military resources. Plans and efforts regarding Russian influence in the region, especially on politics, energy, and other domestic issues. Plans and efforts to cooperate with regional neighbors on energy security. Details about disputes and rivalries with neighbors. Policies, plans, and efforts regarding Romanian minorities in neighboring countries. Relations with, and military deployments in, the Balkans. Plans and efforts to promote democracy in Eastern Europe and the Balkans, especially Macedonia. Plans and efforts regarding Moldova and Kosovo. Policies, plans, and efforts regarding Ballistic Missile Defense.

2) Russia (FPOL-4H). Policies, plans, and efforts regarding relations with Russia, especially on strategic issues, such as energy, security, transportation, and trade. Details about personal relations between Romanian leaders and Russian officials or businessmen. Senior leadership, intelligence officials, and ministerial-level vulnerabilities to Russian influence. Efforts to cooperate with or oppose Russia in support of, or opposition to, US policies. Leadership and public views about relations with Russia. Government and public attitudes about Russia,s strategic objectives in the region, and Romania,s vulnerability to Russian coercion and influence.

3) European Union (FPOL-4H). Philosophies and motives behind leadership objectives, strategies, and efforts regarding the European Union (EU). Evidence of, and thoughts about, increasing reliance upon EU, and diminishing reliance upon US, regional leadership. Leadership and public views about levels of influence among European states, including relations between states and EU institutions as well as emergence of a preeminent state or a core alliance in Europe. Evidence of Romanian mismanagement of EU funding, and government efforts to ensure transparent management of foreign aid. Details about formal and informal alliances between Romania and other EU states, including plans and efforts to cooperate on issues of mutual concern. Plans and efforts to cooperate with regional neighbors, EU members, and non-state actors to influence EU policies. Plans and efforts, including investment strategies, regarding European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). Plans and efforts regarding EU expansion. Plans and efforts regarding specific EU policies and decisions.

4) The United States (FPOL-4H). Policies, strategies, and efforts concerning relations with the US. Expectations regarding diplomatic, security, and economic relations with the US. Leadership and public perceptions about US regional policies, presence, and activities. Plans and efforts to support or oppose US positions in international fora.

5) International Organizations and Other Foreign Relations (FPOL-4H). Plans and efforts to pursue national objectives in international fora, such as the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Plans and efforts regarding leadership opportunities in international organizations. Details about relations with China and nations that are hostile to US interests.

D. National Security

1) GRPO can provide text of this issue and related requirements.

2) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (FMCC-4H). Plans, efforts, and ability to maintain defense spending for force modernization, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) interoperability, meeting NATO-required spending levels and force goals, and defense capability initiative implementation. Strategy and efforts to win public support for such spending. Plans and efforts to fulfill commitments to NATO, including manpower and equipment for out-of-area operations. Actions to accommodate NATO procedures and methods. Government and public confidence in NATO Article 5 security guarantees. Attitudes toward stationing or long-term deployment of NATO or US forces on Romanian soil, NATO commands in Romania, and out-of-country deployments of Romanian forces. Plans and efforts regarding NATO enlargement, including strategic concepts and future roles of the alliance. Government, including military, intelligence, and security service willingness, ability, and efforts to protect US and NATO classified information. Awareness of and concern about foreign penetration. Implementation and strengthening of personnel-vetting procedures. Policies, plans, and efforts regarding EU defense and security cooperation, including ESDP; views and intentions regarding any conflict between ESDP and NATO obligations.

3) Force Structure, Modernization, and Readiness (FMCC-4H). Details about threat assessment, including agreement and disagreement among civilian and military leaders. Perceptions about, and response to, cyber warfare threat. Plans and efforts to support or oppose US objectives in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. Willingness and capability to participate in NATO, EU, and other multilateral relationships, including out-of-area operations, multinational peacekeeping force in Southeast Europe, and humanitarian and peacekeeping operations. Policies and efforts regarding access, overflight, and transit of US military forces and equipment. Disposition, readiness, and mission of military forces. Plans and efforts regarding force structure, military reform, and modernization, including future roles, strengths, and compositions of military services. Details about military cooperation with other nations. Details about defense industry, including plans and efforts to cooperate with foreign nations and actors. Weapon system development programs, firms, and facilities. Types, production rates, and factory markings of major weapon systems. Decisionmaking regarding acquisition of US or other nation weapon systems. Military and paramilitary manpower, structure, budget and expenditure by service and function, mission, doctrine, tactics, order of battle, command and control, equipment, maintenance, training, exercise participation, support for international peacekeeping operations, professionalism, non-commissioned officer development, health care, pay, housing, loyalty, and morale. Civil-military relations. Perceptions about, and commitment to, intelligence sharing agreements with the US. Indications of national-level denial and deception program, including doctrine, targets, goals, organizations, and activities. Location, mission, organization, associated personnel, funding, development, and use of underground facilities and other hardened structures, including for protection of command and control networks, civil and military leaders, and critical resources. Details about, and transfer of, advanced engineering techniques to harden key facilities, including by use of specialty concretes. Details about dual use of underground civil infrastructure. Plans and efforts to help other states develop underground facilities and other hardened structures.

4) Proliferation and Counterproliferation (ACWP-4H). Commitment, plans, efforts, and ability to manage a secure military export regime, including details about monitoring end user activities and imposing penalties for violations. Organizational readiness and capability of border police and customs officials to control borders. Plans and efforts to adhere to international control regimes. Plans and efforts to implement legislation and enforce effective export licensing regimes. Willingness and efforts to cooperate with the US to prevent proliferation. Foreign use of Romania as weapons transshipment point. Details about weapons transportation, including associated firms, agents, modes, methods, routes, nodes, schedules, and communications. Details about organizations, groups, and individuals engage in sales of weapons or technologies to states that are hostile to US interests or non-state entities. Plans and efforts to circumvent antiproliferation treaties and arrangements.

5) Counterterrorism and Terrorism (TERR-4H). Government counterterrorism policies, plans, capabilities, and efforts. Government and public support for or opposition to US efforts, including military operations, in the war on international terrorism. Government willingness, capability, and effort to establish and protect legislative framework to combat terrorists; control borders; detain terrorists; seize terrorist-associated bank accounts; share intelligence; and protect weapons, associated facilities, and energy and other critical infrastructure against terrorist attack and intrusion. Terrorist plans to attack US and other persons, facilities, or interests. Terrorist plans and efforts to acquire or transship chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons. Terrorist identities, motives, objectives, strategies, locations, facilities, command structures, links to other groups or states, associations with humanitarian or medical groups, use of forged and/or modified travel documents, telecommunication methods and modes, transportation, funding, finance and business operations, security, recruitment, and training. Indications of foreign entity, public, or local support for terrorists. Details about terrorist involvement in illicit drug and other criminal trade.

6) Information to Support US Military Operational Planning (INFR-5H). Information to support US contingency planning, including for noncombatant evacuation, and humanitarian and medical relief operations. Current status, vulnerability of, and plans to modify, critical infrastructures, especially transportation, energy, and communications. Civilian and military medical and life science capabilities and infrastructures. Military medical research and development, including new vaccines, therapeutics, and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear medical defense. Information, including statistics, about infectious diseases, such as avian influenza, tuberculosis, human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome, hepatitis A, and tickborne encephalitis. Locations and levels of chemical and radiological contamination of food, water, air, and soil. Locations and types of industrial facilities with chemicals stored onsite. Descriptions and locations of potential evacuation sites, police and fire stations, hospitals, hotels, and diplomatic facilities. Plans and capabilities of government and NGOs to support, including provision of security for, relief operations. Policies, plans, and efforts regarding detained, captured, and arrested US persons, including prisoners of war and missing in action.

E. Telecommunications Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFR-5H). Current specifications, vulnerabilities, and capabilities of, and planned upgrades to, national telecommunications infrastructure and information systems, networks, and technologies used by civilian and military government authorities, including intelligence and security services. Plans and efforts to acquire US export-controlled telecommunications equipment and technology. Official and personal phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of principal civilian and military leaders.

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