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Study: Vaccines Do Irreparable Harm
Aciduzzul | 14 mai, 2013 | 2 comentarii | 493 vizualizari |
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Heidi Stevenson
The authors of this powerful new review wrote: “It is not reasonable to assume that manipulation of the immune system through an increasing number of vaccinations during critical periods of brain development will not result in adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.” Here’s what they found. Sad Little Girl, by Espen Faugstad.A new scientific review from Poland discusses irreparable harm done by vaccines. This review addresses the issue in terms of adverse effects, immune system effects, neurological symptoms following vaccination, and a history of vaccines demonstrating little benefit. It centers mostly on studies not often referenced in the western world, providing fresh and broad-ranging information. An honest reading of the study can leave little doubt that harm done may be extensive and often permanent.

Adverse Effects

Different systems of defining types of vaccination adverse events include dividing between immune system and nonimmune system, or classifying according to whether they’re local, general, shortly after vaccination, or develop more slowly. Regardless of how they’re distinguished, the authors state:

Reports in many Polish and foreign medical journals lead us to conclude that postvaccinal complications among children can be observed in sporadic cases and that they are disproportionate to the benefits of vaccination in the elimination of dangerous diseases in childhood.

Their study leaves little doubt that vaccines produce serious risks that are entirely out of line with any benefits gained.
They first point out that several adverse effects that occur shortly after vaccination are acknowledged by Polish law. These include:

Local reactions, including:

local reactions after the BCG (tuberculosis) vaccine



abscess at the injection site

Postvaccinal adverse events of the central nervous system:


febrile convulsions

non-febrile convulsions

paralytic poliomyelitis caused by vaccine virus



Guillain-Barré syndrome

Other adverse events following immunization:

joint pain

hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode

fever above 39°C


continuous inconsolable crying

Likely major post-vaccine neurological complications, which usually ensue more than 48 hours after vaccination, tend to be permanent nerve damage to the central nervous system, including seizures (especially if there is no increase in body temperature), hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes, postvaccinal encephalitis, postvaccinal encephalopathy, and autism.

Immune System Effects

A neonate’s immune system does not function in the same manner as an adult’s, and it does not reach maturity until about age 3 years. The neonate’s humoral immune system—the part that functions through antibodies—comes directly from the mother.

Associated with the immunoglobulin IgG that’s provided by the mother, it starts about 6 months before birth, and disappears by about 6 months after birth.

Autonomously-produced antibodies are called immunoglobulins. While the fetus starts to develop some immunoglobulin before birth, it takes time, in most instances more than a year, to reach maturity. The graph to the right shows the pace at which IgG from the mother increases and decreases, and the rate at which a neonate starts to produce its own, plus IgM, IgA, and IgD.

Because of a neonate’s existing antibodies from the mother, vaccination against some microorganisms simply does not provide any lasting protection for newborns.

The authors state:

It is well established that early-life immune responses are weaker and of shorter duration than elicited in immunologically mature hosts. Consequently, vaccine efficacy in early infancy (particularly in the first 6 months of age) is limited.

They go on to state that:

[E]xperimental evidence clearly shows, that simultaneous administration of as little as two to three immune adjuvants, or repeated stimulation of the immune system by the same antigen can overcome genetic resistance to autoimmunity.

The common practice of administering more than one adjuvant at a time or repeatedly injecting the same antigen can produce autoimmune disorders.

They further point out that the toxicity of adjuvants can produce a range of adverse reactions.

The manner in which the body responds to vaccines is not well understood. It is, though, believed that the Th1 pathway is sacrificed in favor of the Th2 pathway. This is believed to lead to development of allergies in infants. Allergy, a life-threatening condition that was once rare, is now known to exist in at least 35%, possibly as many as 40%, of children. It has become one of the most serious health concerns in Europe.

The authors cite a study documenting that a natural chicken pox infection protects against asthma and atopic dermatitis in children, but the vaccine does not.

They state that:

[A]nnual vaccination against influenza has been shown to hamper the development of virus-specific CD8+T-cell immunity in children.

And then point out:

[I]t appears that the necessary Th1/Th2 balance is better provided by natural challenges (i.e., in a form of relatively benign childhood diseases such as chickenpox and mumps) rather than vaccination.

Recent research by Singh of the International Institute for Brain Research in the USA confirm the veracity of this statement. In the study, serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were analyzed in terms of viral and autoimmune markers in patients with autism compared with a group of healthy children.

Antibodies in Normal Vs Autistic Children (from Singh et al)

The table to the left, which the authors reprinted from the Singh study, shows differences in antibody levels they found between normal and autistic children. Notice that autistic children have a significantly higher vaccine measles virus antibody load than normal children, though the differences in mumps and rubella antibodies does not reach a significant level, and the high p-values for them bear that out.

A p-value approaching 1.0 indicates that the results could readily have been reached accidentally. (Note: HHV-6 refers to human herpes virus-6.)

Singh et al also found significantly elevated levels of the IL-2, IL-12, and IFN-γ cytokines, indicators of an elevated inflammatory response, along with acute phase proteins, also indicative of inflammation.

These raised inflammation profiles are significant because subtle changes in the developing brains of autistic children have been found to be caused by autoimmune reactions leading to changes in the myelin sheath (a protective layer around nerves). This could lead to impairment in the brains of autistic children, resulting in problems with speech, communication, social action, and other neurological problems.

Partial Conclusion

At this point in their review, the authors point out that vaccines, which are used to “train” the immune system, lower its threshold of defense responses against development of infectious diseases. This leads to questions, including:

How can the immature, still developing immune and central nervous systems of a healthy child respond to such intense stimulation?

Can these immature systems respond with the same protective effect to so many different stimuli?

Do multi-antigen vaccine side effects change as compared to single-antigen vaccinations, and if so, how?

They go on to state:

[A] burgeoning body of evidence shows that immune molecules play integral roles in CNS development, affecting processes such as neurogenesis, neuronal migration, axon guidance, synaptic connectivity and synaptic plasticity. Despite the dogma that peripheral immune responses do not affect CNS function, substantial evidence points exactly to the contrary. Thus, it is not reasonable to assume that manipulation of the immune system through an increasing number of vaccinations during critical periods of brain development will not result in adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.

“[I]t is not reasonable to assume that manipulation of the immune system through an increasing number of vaccinations during critical periods of brain development will not result in adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.”

Clearly, these authors are stating that vaccines carry the potential to do tremendous harm.

These are the first two sections of the powerful Sienkiewicz, Kulak, Okurowska-Zawada, and Paszko-Patej review. The next article, No Historical Benefit in Vaccines: Polish Study, discusses the last two areas they covered: neurological symptoms following vaccination and a history of vaccines demonstrating little benefit.


Neurologic adverse events following vaccination; Progress in Health Sciences; Sienkiewicz D., Kulak W., Okurowska-Zawada B., Paszko-Patej G.

Gaia Health


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