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Syria insurgents receive salaries in US dollars
Aciduzzul | 23 octombrie, 2012 | 0 comentarii | 70 vizualizari |
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“The Military Council (is) distributing the salaries, with Qatari support… of $150 per person registered for two months.” Haji al-Bab, insurgent commander in Syria
Foreign-backed insurgents in Syria have admitted that they receive salaries from their regional and trans-regional supporters in US dollars for fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad. The insurgents make thumbprints in ink next to their names and receive USD 150 a month for fighting against Syrian military forces.The commanders of the insurgents in the flashpoint city of Aleppo distributed the first salaries of the armed groups, saying the money is coming from some foreign states, including Qatar and Turkey. The military councils “are undertaking to distribute monthly salaries to the fighters, especially on the front lines,” said a commander of the armed gangs, Abdul Salam Humaidi.

“The Military Council (is) distributing the salaries, with Qatari support… of $150 per person registered for two months,” said Haji al-Bab, another insurgent commander.

Another commander of the armed gangs said the sources of the money were “Turkey and some Persian Gulf states.”

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011. The Syrian government has long said that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country and accuses Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey of arming the opposition.

A recent New York Times report suggested that Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been funneling money and arms to Syrian insurgents for months.

Source: Press TV

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