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The new African land grab

Agricultura, Durerea Lumii, Economie, English section  | 28 aprilie 2013 | Aciduzzul
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Foreign investors, with the World Bank, are acquiring vast tracks of land in Africa – at the expense of local farmers. Smallholder farms are disappearing across Africa because of large-scale foreign investment. The “town” chief of the village seemed to be in a state of shock. Sitting on the front porch of his mud and thatch home in Pujehun District in southern Sierra Leone, he struggled to find words that could explain how he had signed away the land that sustained his family and his community. He said he was coerced by his Paramount Chief, told that whether he agreed, or not, his land would still be taken and his small oil palm stand destroyed. He didn’t know the name of the foreign investor nor did he know that it planned to lease up to 35,000 hectares of farmland citeste si comenteaza

U.E ”împinge” corporațiile să pună stăpânire pe agricultura Europei

Agricultura, Analize-studii, Antiglobalizare, Economie, Lucruri de stiut  | 23 aprilie 2013 | Aciduzzul
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“Suprafeţe mari de teren din Europa sunt ‘acaparate’ de companii mari, de speculatori, cumpărători străini bogaţi şi fonduri de pensii, într-un mod similar cu situaţia întâlnită în ţările aflate în curs de dezvoltare”, scrie ziarul The Guardian publicând rezultatele unui nou raport privind deţinerea de terenuri agricole. Studii realizate de numeroase organizaţii, inclusiv de Transnational Institute şi de Via Campesina, sugerează că fermierii locali sunt eliminaţi de pe piaţa tranzacţiilor cu terenuri din cauza intensificării, în ultimii zece ani, a achiziţiilor de terenuri de către “corporaţii chineze, fonduri suverane bogate şi fonduri speculative din Orientul Mijlociu, de oligarhi din Rusia şi companii imobiliare specializate în tranzacţii cu terenuri agricole” atrase de subvenţiile consistente citeste si comenteaza

Governments, Western corporations grab lands across Africa. Interview with Justine Mutale

Agricultura, Antiglobalizare, Editorialele editiei, English section  | 5 aprilie 2013 | Aciduzzul
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We believe that this is a scandal and it’s a scandal that needs to be stopped because land grabs render people refugees, they make people become refugees in their own God-given land. They make people go hungry and making people go hungry is a violence against those people. You take away their rights of livelihood from the people; you take away their rights to shelter to food to clothing to anything they can do with the land…” An activist says prolific land grabbing across Africa is a scandal by African governments and foreign entities that robs Africans of their livelihoods and dignity. In the background of this, prolific land grabbing across the African continent by the international community in the hundreds of thousands of hectares, described as ‘the new scramble’ is taking its toll citeste si comenteaza

The Next Food Crisis Will Be Caused By Globalist Land-Grabs and Privatization

Antiglobalizare, Criza zilei  | 17 octombrie 2012 | Aciduzzul
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Susanne Posel
The UN warns that global food stores like grains are depleting at an expediential rate and when combined with failing harvests, there will be a food crisis in 2013. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) explain that “we’ve not been producing as much as we are consuming. That is why stocks are being run down. Supplies are now very tight across the world and reserves are at a very low level, leaving no room for unexpected events next year.” Since 2010, the FAO have stated that the rise in food prices is directly correlated to the 80 million people being added to the world’s population annually. This fact, according to the globalists at the UN, citeste si comenteaza

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