Editorialele editiei, English section, Stiinta, Vaccinuri si virusuri | 11 noiembrie 2012 | Aciduzzul 138 views, Fara comentarii
A new case of the new SARS virus has been confirmed out of the Gulf region in Saudi Arabia. An unidentified patient admitted into a hospital displayed symptoms of “pneumonia caused by the new virus known as novel Coronavirus.” In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) resolved that they were “deeply concerned that SARS” would be “the first severe infectious disease to emerge in the twenty-first century [and] poses a serious threat to global health security, the livelihood of populations, the functioning of health systems, and the stability and growth of economies.” Because SARS “requires intensive regional and global collaboration” it was slated to be the next pandemic that would was expected citeste si comenteaza …
arme bio-specifice,
arme biologice,
arme biologice etnice,
arme biologice specifice,
bio experiments,
bio weapon,
biological weapons,
ethnic weapons,
flu weapon,
genetically modified flu,
sars genetically engeneered,
sars virus,
sars weapon
English section | 11 octombrie 2012 | Aciduzzul 106 views, Fara comentarii
British and Zionist health experts are working on a SARS-like race-specific bio-weapon, which could be capable of creating a global threat through triggering a massive ethnic cleansing, it has been claimed. The claim was made following the identification by the World Health Organization (WHO) of a new SARS-like race-specific virus that targets people of Middle Eastern decent. The original SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) resulted in the death of numerous people in Hong Kong. The Zionist-led Israeli regime has been seeking to spot specific genes carried by human of Arab decent in an attempt to citeste si comenteaza …