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Eugenics Agenda Continues With the Pursuit of the Addiction Vaccine

Vaccinuri si virusuri  | 15 noiembrie 2012 | Aciduzzul
(2 voturi )
147 views, Fara comentarii

Susanne Posel
The quest for the addiction vaccine is the pharmacological endeavor to control the functions of the human brain by transhumanist scientists. Kim Janda, professor of chemistry for the Scripps Research Institute (SRI) explains that the development of a vaccine to combat addictions is an “alternative or better way for some people . . . to get off the drugs.” Janda believes that by shutting down the neuroreceptor that responds to the chemical nicotine before it affects the chemical responders in the brain. These vaccines cause the immune system to produce antibodies that control the brain’s response to narcotics prior to the onset of addiction. citeste si comenteaza

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