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Autor: Aciduzzul | 4 ianuarie, 2015 | 0 comentarii | 302 vizualizari | 1 vot
What’s wrong with Genetic Engineering? Genetic engineering refers to a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells and move genes across species boundaries to produce novel organisms. Once released, these genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can easily spread and interbreed with other organisms, and they are virtually impossible to recall back to […]
Autor: Aciduzzul | 4 ianuarie, 2015 | 0 comentarii | 183 vizualizari | 2 voturi
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed the RF Code of Administrative Offences into law, including a new article establishing liability for the violation of mandatory requirements for the labeling of food products that contain GMOs. Putin signed the new bill on the last day of 2014 TASS news agency reported. The bill which was submitted […]
Autor: Aciduzzul | 5 decembrie, 2014 | 0 comentarii | 211 vizualizari | 1 vot
Russia must protect its citizens from the use of foods derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and this can be done in compliance with the country’s obligations under the World Trade Organization (WTO), Russian President Vladimir Putin stated Thursday. “We need to properly construct our work so that it is not contrary to our obligations […]
Autor: Aciduzzul | 19 aprilie, 2014 | 1 comentarii | 4198 vizualizari | 7 voturi
Ioana Florea Public Library of Science (PLOS) a publicat un nou studiu care demonstrează că fragmentele de ADN care provin din hrană conţin gene complete care intră în sistemul circulator uman printr-un mecanism necunoscut. Există suspiciuni conform cărora cercetătorii corporaţiilor biotehnologice, precum Monsanto, au identificat deja acest mecanism şi îl folosesc cu bună ştiinţă. Studiul […]
Autor: Aciduzzul | 7 aprilie, 2014 | 0 comentarii | 129 vizualizari | 1 vot
Russia will not import GMO products, the country’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said, adding that the nation has enough space and resources to produce organic food. Moscow has no reason to encourage the production of genetically modified products or import them into the country, Medvedev told a congress of deputies from rural settlements on Saturday. […]