Susanne Posel
In 2050, the UN Population Division says that, after 80% of the population of America has been moved into the Agenda 21 mega-cities, there will be a need to construct vertical farms in order to feed the urbanized residents. Yale researchers assert that in America “78 percent of the population already lives in urban or suburban areas, urban land cover is expected to double by 2030” and with infrastructure investments, current urbanization rates are unsustainable. By eliminating the necessity of trucking food across the country, and growing food in the urbanized centers, the sprawl can be replaced with “greenhouses”. On rollers, and placed upon triangular buildings constructed in Sweden, harvesting is made easier because the sunlight can be tracked through the movement of the food planted upon the mobile platforms.
The concept of vertical farming promises to spare the environment from the nutrient depleting practice of agriculture, while providing the ability to cultivate animal and/or plant life on vertically lined surfaces – such as skyscrapers.
According to Gilbert Elis Bailey, the farmer would do better to “double the depth of his fertile land” by redefining agricultural practices.
Architect Ken Yang has conceptualized the use of skyscrapers for climate control to produce mass plant life in an open-air “communal planting space”. This idea engages the community to plant the food that the community will later consume. By building “upwards” the number of living spaces and commerce centers can greatly expand for the benefit of the community.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization state the food production must expand more than 70% globally to feed the world’s population. Once the lands are rearranged and those living in the 11 established mega-cities are installed, there will be a limited amount of land available for cultivation. Using these mega-structures to reduce CO2 emissions, replacing reallocated lands, the vertical farm is ideal.
Dickson Despommier, professor of Public and Environmental Health at Columbia University, explains that pesticide use would be kept to a minimum because growing food indoors would facilitate a controlled environment. All food would be grown hydroponically. Destroying the minerals in the soil will no longer be an issue with the advent of vertical farming.
Singapore has become the beta-testing ground for the first erected vertical farms for commercial use by SkyGreenFarms.
By using aluminum construction, based on a prototype from 2008, the “farm” will produce 3 types of vegetables, producing an estimated 1 ton of vegetables every other day which are sold in local supermarkets. The eco-friendly marketing of the vertical farm is assisting the popularity of the scheme, despite the .10 to .20 cent increase in price for the produce.
In Chicago, concepts for the Chicago Gateway will Americanize the concept of vertical farming by constructing a building that is esthetically pleasing as functional. Both as a residential skyscraper and communal food producing center combined. Plans for networks of connecting sky bridges will allow the public to access their hydroponic farm without using the ground levels of the city.
San Francisco, Boston and New York are the stages of construction of glorified shoebox apartments (if the closet and bathroom are factored into the allocated living space). Residents who live alone can expect to be coerced into giving up extra room for breath-taking views of the Bay area, furniture that comes out of the walls and beds that convert to couches to maximize living space.
In essence, these mini-apartments are only a bit bigger than the average US prison cell, although designed to resemble a hotel room.
By 2030, urban areas are expected to expand by 1.2 million square miles. American cities in Virginia, Ohio, Florida, and many others are beginning to invest in controlled environments, i.e. megacities, where private cars will be banned, transit centers link high speed light rail systems, and controls over food distribution, energy use and water allocation is overseen by governmental agencies.
The move out of rural areas and densification of urbanized centers is being pushed in the American mainstream media as the answer to the devastating effects of humans on the environment. The elimination of suburban areas as compact cities become inundated with more people, there is a need to reinvent these centers to accommodate these swelling numbers.
In America there is a boom involving the building of light rail systems funded by the US government which will become the mode of transportation once the mega-cities are created.
According to the globalists at America2050,
“metropolitan regions will be an interlocking economic system, shared natural resources and ecosystems, and common transportation systems link these population centers together.”
The megaregions are defined as:
• Environmental systems and topography
• Infrastructure systems
• Economic linkages
• Settlement patterns and land use
• Shared culture and history
Dennis Frenchman, an architect and the professor of Urban Planning for MIT, asserts that city planners of the future must design cities that accommodate the large migration of people caused by population growth.
Source: Occupy Corporatism
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