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STUDY: The Myth of American Meritocracy

Analize-studii, Editorialele editiei, English section, genetica, Social  | 12 martie 2013 | Aciduzzul
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By Ron Unz
How corrupt are Ivy League admissions? Just before the Labor Day weekend, a front page New York Times story broke the news of the largest cheating scandal in Harvard University history, in which nearly half the students taking a Government course on the role of Congress had plagiarized or otherwise illegally collaborated on their final exam.1 Each year, Harvard admits just 1600 freshmen while almost 125 Harvard students now face possible suspension over this single incident. A Harvard dean described the situation as “unprecedented.” But should we really be so surprised at this behavior among the students at America’s most prestigious academic institution? In the last generation or two, citeste si comenteaza

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