Antiglobalizare, Editorialele editiei, English section, OMG/Initium | 10 martie 2013 | Aciduzzul 105 views, 1 comentariu
Agri-giant Monsanto, not satisfied with being one of the world’s largest agricultural corporations, is dragging hundreds of U.S. farmers into court over alleged copyright violations for repeated usage of the company’s patented seeds. In a case that has surprised a lot of observers, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear one of these complaints on Feb. 19. That case, Bowman v. Monsanto Co., was billed as a landmark battle pitting farmer Vernon Bowman against the international Ag-giant over the former’s repeated use of seeds he bought from Monsanto which the company says are only supposed to be used for one growing season. In advance of the case, The Huffington Post reported, the Center for Food Safety and the Save Our Seeds campaigning organizations released a report detailing similar cases. citeste si comenteaza …
food control,
food monopol,
food world,
monsanto court,
monsanto farmers,
monsanto food,
monsanto patent,
monsanto patente,
monsanto proces,
monsanto seeds,
Monsanto seminte,
monsanto suit
Analize-studii, Antiglobalizare, Economie, English section | 27 februarie 2013 | Aciduzzul 103 views, Fara comentarii
Small producers face poverty as ever more commodities are controlled by a coterie of multinationals. As you sip your morning coffee or tea, accompanied perhaps by a chocolate biscuit, or a banana for the more health-conscious, think hard about where your breakfast comes from. Increasingly, a handful of multinationals are tightening their grip on the commodity markets, with potentially dramatic effects for consumers and food producers alike. The livelihoods of millions of smallholders who produce the drinks and snacks we consume every day are “seriously under threat”, warns a report to be published tomorrow to mark the start of Fairtraide Fortnight. Extreme price volatility, high food prices and more concentrated food markets threaten citeste si comenteaza …
companii alimente,
controlul populatiilor,
cotrol alimentar,
farmers poverty,
food chain,
food control,
food giants,
food power,
food take over,
global control,
population control