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Database Your Face: Drones to Employ Facial Recognition, Ending Anonymity

Big Brother, Editorialele editiei, English section, Lucruri de stiut  | 1 iunie 2013 | Aciduzzul
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Nicholas West
In a matter of just a few years, we have gone from drones in American skies being a conspiracy theory, to drones being openly debated by Congress for full deployment over the U.S. by 2015. However, you know things have gone to a new level when establishment media begins covering the full range of privacy-ending capabilities employed by drones matched with biometric databases … inside America. A recent Associated Press article, reposted at major corporate media sites such as Business Insider, surprisingly grasps the near totality of what is being planned in much the same way as we have been covering in the alternative media for some time. Entitled, “Drones With Facial Recognition Technology Will End Anonymity, Everywhere,” citeste si comenteaza

Spy-Butterfly: Israel developing insect drone for indoor surveillance

Army/Intelligence, English section  | 17 octombrie 2012 | Aciduzzul
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The future is here and this is not a butterfly on your wall, as Israeli drones are getting tiny. Their latest project – a butterfly-shaped drone weighing just 20 grams – the smallest in its range so far – can gather intelligence inside buildings. ­The new miniscule surveillance device can take color pictures and is capable of a vertical take-off and hover flight, just like a helicopter, reports the daily Israel Hayom. Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) says this may come in handy in ground clashes, when a soldier would merely take it out of a pocket and send behind the enemy’s line. The insect-drone, with its 0.15-gram citeste si comenteaza

War Evolves With Drones, Some Tiny as Bugs

Army/Intelligence, English section  | 15 octombrie 2012 | Aciduzzul
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Chang W. Lee
WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio — Two miles from the cow pasture where the Wright Brothers learned to fly the first airplanes, military researchers are at work on another revolution in the air: shrinking unmanned drones, the kind that fire missiles into Pakistan and spy on insurgents in Afghanistan, to the size of insects and birds. The base’s indoor flight lab is called the “microaviary,” and for good reason. The drones in development here are designed to replicate the flight mechanics of moths, hawks and other inhabitants of the natural world. “We’re looking at how you hide in plain sight,” said Greg Parker, an aerospace engineer, citeste si comenteaza

Minidrone pentru fel de fel de “aplicatii”

Army/Intelligence, Big Brother  | 23 septembrie 2012 | Aciduzzul
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Drone de dimensiunea unei seminte de artar care pot “supraveghea” mai peste tot

Antiglobalizare, Big Brother, Lucruri de stiut  | 7 iulie 2012 | Aciduzzul
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Semnalat de George Valah

Securitate fara intimitate in SUA, Marea Britanie si Franta

Big Brother, Lucruri de stiut  | 10 martie 2011 | Aciduzzul
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Ministerul de Interne din Marea Britanie a anuntat ca va introduce monitorizarea locurilor publice prin mici drone dotate cu camere video. Ele se vor alatura milioanelor de camere de supraveghere cu circuit inchis de pe strazile britanice, dar si unor camere de luat vederi care vor fi plasate in taxiuri. Marea Britanie este cea mai supravegheta video tara din lume, iar capitala Londra detine acelasi record in randul metropolelor. Potrivit “The Telegraph”, in Marea Britanie exista o camera de supraveghere la fiecare 14 cetateni. Camerele pe care Internele din Marea Britanie doresc sa le introduca au capacitatea de a recunoaste fizionomiile celor filmati. Oficiul pentru Informatii din Marea Britanie, o autoritate independenta, considera ca tara risca sa devina un stat in care dreptul la citeste si comenteaza

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