Supreme Court sympathizes with Monsanto in seed patent case
English section, OMG/Initium | 21 februarie 2013 | AciduzzulThe United States Supreme Court justices head arguments on Tuesday involving the case of a 75-year-old soybean farmer who is being sued for patent infringement by biotech giant Monsanto. Vernon Hugh Bowman of Indiana has been fighting a lawsuit from Monsanto for years, and on Tuesday it went all the way to the highest court in the United States. Monsanto, a billion-dollar biotechnology corporation perhaps best known for marketing cutting-edge agricultural products, says Mr. Bowman infringed on a patent it holds when he re-planted genetically modified “Roundup Ready” seeds manufactured by the copany. Those seeds have been created by Monsanto to be resistant to pesticides and are reported by the Associated Press to be on around 90 percent of soybean citeste si comenteaza …