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Study: Chinese Genetics Cause Them to Become Susceptible to Swine Flu

Analize-studii, Army/Intelligence, Editorialele editiei, English section, genetica  | 25 martie 2013 | Aciduzzul
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Susanne Posel
British and Chinese researchers have discovered a genetic variant common to Chinese people that make them more susceptible to contracting the swine flu. It was determined that an estimated 25% of Chinese people have this gene variant which is also common to people of Japanese and Korean decent. Tao Dong, lead author of the study and professor at Oxford University, explained: “Understanding why some people may be worse affected than others is crucial in improving our ability to manage flu epidemics and to prevent people dying from the virus.” The researchers studied 83 patients who were diagnosed with swine flu during 2009-2010. citeste si comenteaza

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