Legendary gold trader Jim Sinclair has sent an email alert to subscribers today regarding last night’s news that Germany will begin repatriating it’s gold held on deposit at the NY Fed back to the Bundesbank, as well as all 374 tons held at the Bank of France. Sinclair states that history will look back on this salvo fired across US war financing as being the beginning of the end of the US dollar as the reserve currency of choice, and that under normal circumstances, no major central bank would insult another major central bank in the way that the Bundesbank just has. Sinclair states that the Bundesbank repatriating its gold reserves is the most significant event in the gold market since Charles De Gaulle called the US hand that it would stand by convertibility, and that gold is headed to $2111 in the near future in the wake of the Bundesbank’s actions.
Sinclair’s full MUST READ alert below:
2013 Silver Eagles As Low As $2.59 Over Spot at SDBullion.com!
Charles De Gaulle was the first person in modern history to call the hand of the USA on its then obligation to convert French held dollar reserves into gold. I was a senior trader at the time.
History will look back on this salvo fired across US war financing as being the beginning of the end of the US dollar as the reserve currency of choice.
The reaction on the part of the US was to cut the tie between the dollar and convertibility. This again raises the question of does the USA have fungible gold to the degree that is claimed without 3rd party audits or any viewing publicly whatsoever.
If it is true as reliable sources today reported that Germany wishes to repatriate a significant amount of its gold, then that request is a modern version of the first salvo that Charles de Gaulle fired at the US treasury over convertibility.
Assume that no close violated Alf’s downside price and it is possible that today’s revelation concerning Germany is an event leading to gold’s first main target above the recent high of $2111. It is significant because under normal circumstances no major central bank would insult another major central bank in that manner.
Today’s report, if true, is a salvo fired at the concept that the USA has all the gold it claims and all the gold it stores for others. If true, this event is the most important gold development since Charles De Gaulle called the US hand that it would stand by convertibility which many then assumed it could not because even then the amount of gold held was publicly questioned.
Please review the following video of Charles De Gaulle
Source: Silver Doctors
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