Army/Intelligence, English section, genetica, Lucruri de stiut, Vaccinuri si virusuri | 23 martie 2013 | Aciduzzul 356 views, Fara comentarii
Susanne Posel
There have been 11 reported cases of the new race-specific engineered SARS-like virus since it was first reported in Qatar, Saudi Arabia. Victims from Pakistan and Jordan have also contracted the bioweapon. Doctors are observing a pattern of transmission that leads to the belief that this new SARS is person-to-person transmissible. Infections can transfer from human contact with animals; however a direct contractual threat to humans must be taken seriously. The new SARS is still a “mystery” to the medical community. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported in 2012 that there were reoccurring cases emerging from the same Saudi Arabian family. Gregory Hartel, spokesman for WHO said: citeste si comenteaza …
arma biologica,
arme biologice,
bio arme,
bio weapon,
engineered virus,
ethnic specific weapons,
genetically engineered virus,
lab virus,
race sars,
race specific sars,
race specific virus,
race virus,
sars engineered,
stiri Romania,
virus arma,
virus modificat genetic,
virus rasa,
virus rase,
virus rasial,
virus specific,
virus transmission,
virus transmit,
virusi fabricare,
virusi laborator,
virusi rase,
virusi specifici
Antimanipulare, Editorialul zilei, Vaccinuri si virusuri | 28 ianuarie 2010 | Aciduzzul 180 views, Fara comentarii
Nectarie Paranoidul
Nu sunt neaparat un adept al teoriilor paranoid-conspirationiste, insa devine evident pentru oricine vrea sa deschida ochii ca sursa Raului care se revarsa asupra lumii poate fi localizata geografic. Ganditi-va numai cam pe unde a izbucnit “criza” economica (nu e greu, poti pune degetul pe un oras sau chiar pe o strada), ganditi-va de unde se scurg in Europa toate plantele modificate genetic, cine ne baga pe gat tot felul de pesticide toxice, de unde intretine OMS isteria de pandemii de tot felul. Dupa ce faceti acest exercitiu va puteti raspunde mai usor la intrebarea cam cine are de castigat din toate astea? Si cam cat? citeste si comenteaza …