Antimanipulare, Editorialele editiei, Politica externa, Social | 18 octombrie 2014 | Aciduzzul 202 views, Fara comentarii
La prima vedere, lumea pare să fie lovită de pandemia ebola, dar un Profesor Doctor de Patologia Plantelor din Liberia susţine că nu e chiar aşa. Dr. Cyril Broderick a publicat un articol în ţara sa natală, pe siteul de ştiri The Daily Observer în care susţine de fapt că mari companii farmaceutice testează arme biologice pe populaţiile africane. Pe scurt, acesta susţine că Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii, alături de alte organizaţii ale Naţiunilor Unite sunt implicate de zeci de ani în selectarea ţărilor africane cele mai potrivite pentru testarea de noi viruşi şi pentru a promova noi vaccine. Autorul citează un raport publicat în August 2014 care afirmă că Departamentul Apărăriii din SUA a finanţat şi finanţează testele cu Ebola pe oameni, teste ce au început cu doar câteva săptămâni înainte de anunţarea epidemiei în Guinea şi Sierra Leone. citeste si comenteaza …
Army/Intelligence, English section, genetica, Lucruri de stiut, Vaccinuri si virusuri | 23 martie 2013 | Aciduzzul 356 views, Fara comentarii
Susanne Posel
There have been 11 reported cases of the new race-specific engineered SARS-like virus since it was first reported in Qatar, Saudi Arabia. Victims from Pakistan and Jordan have also contracted the bioweapon. Doctors are observing a pattern of transmission that leads to the belief that this new SARS is person-to-person transmissible. Infections can transfer from human contact with animals; however a direct contractual threat to humans must be taken seriously. The new SARS is still a “mystery” to the medical community. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported in 2012 that there were reoccurring cases emerging from the same Saudi Arabian family. Gregory Hartel, spokesman for WHO said: citeste si comenteaza …
arma biologica,
arme biologice,
bio arme,
bio weapon,
engineered virus,
ethnic specific weapons,
genetically engineered virus,
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race sars,
race specific sars,
race specific virus,
race virus,
sars engineered,
stiri Romania,
virus arma,
virus modificat genetic,
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virus rase,
virus rasial,
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virusi fabricare,
virusi laborator,
virusi rase,
virusi specifici
Editorialele editiei, English section, Stiinta, Vaccinuri si virusuri | 11 noiembrie 2012 | Aciduzzul 138 views, Fara comentarii
A new case of the new SARS virus has been confirmed out of the Gulf region in Saudi Arabia. An unidentified patient admitted into a hospital displayed symptoms of “pneumonia caused by the new virus known as novel Coronavirus.” In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) resolved that they were “deeply concerned that SARS” would be “the first severe infectious disease to emerge in the twenty-first century [and] poses a serious threat to global health security, the livelihood of populations, the functioning of health systems, and the stability and growth of economies.” Because SARS “requires intensive regional and global collaboration” it was slated to be the next pandemic that would was expected citeste si comenteaza …
arme bio-specifice,
arme biologice,
arme biologice etnice,
arme biologice specifice,
bio experiments,
bio weapon,
biological weapons,
ethnic weapons,
flu weapon,
genetically modified flu,
sars genetically engeneered,
sars virus,
sars weapon
Army/Intelligence, English section | 17 octombrie 2012 | Aciduzzul 101 views, Fara comentarii
Susanne Posel
In 2008, a report from the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism identified a clear and present danger of biological attack in 2013. The Congressional Committee claimed that Middle Eastern nations like Pakistan were the most likely to be the origination of such an attack against the US or various other points across the globe. Focusing on Pakistan’s nuclear capability at the time legitimizes naming them as a possible breeding ground for terroristic dissention. The report states that “unless the world community acts decisively and with great urgency, citeste si comenteaza …
English section | 11 octombrie 2012 | Aciduzzul 107 views, Fara comentarii
British and Zionist health experts are working on a SARS-like race-specific bio-weapon, which could be capable of creating a global threat through triggering a massive ethnic cleansing, it has been claimed. The claim was made following the identification by the World Health Organization (WHO) of a new SARS-like race-specific virus that targets people of Middle Eastern decent. The original SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) resulted in the death of numerous people in Hong Kong. The Zionist-led Israeli regime has been seeking to spot specific genes carried by human of Arab decent in an attempt to citeste si comenteaza …
Antiglobalizare, Army/Intelligence | 10 ianuarie 2011 | Aciduzzul 227 views, Fara comentarii
Un raport socant pregatit pentru Primul Ministru al Rusiei Vladimir Putin, de catre Serviciile de Informatii ale Armatei Ruse (GRU), afirma ca unul dintre expertii americani de varf in arme chimice si biologice, a fost asasinat in mod brutal dupa ce a amenintat ca va expune un test cu gaze toxice al armatei americane, care a omorat sute de mii de pasari si alte animale saptamana trecuta in Arkansas. Raportul spune ca John P.Wheeler III, Consultant Special al Secretarului Fortelor Aeriene in Washington D.C. intre 2005-2008, a fost gasit ucis atunci cand un camion de colectare a gunoiului menajer, si-a descarcat gramada, dupa cum raporteaza Fox News Service: “Politia din Delaware investigheaza ceea ce pare sa fie crima unui fost oficial al administratiei Bush, omul-cheie pentru citeste si comenteaza …