New Race-Specific Engineered SARS Virus May Transmit Person-to-Person
Army/Intelligence, English section, genetica, Lucruri de stiut, Vaccinuri si virusuri | 23 martie 2013 | AciduzzulSusanne Posel
There have been 11 reported cases of the new race-specific engineered SARS-like virus since it was first reported in Qatar, Saudi Arabia. Victims from Pakistan and Jordan have also contracted the bioweapon. Doctors are observing a pattern of transmission that leads to the belief that this new SARS is person-to-person transmissible. Infections can transfer from human contact with animals; however a direct contractual threat to humans must be taken seriously. The new SARS is still a “mystery” to the medical community. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported in 2012 that there were reoccurring cases emerging from the same Saudi Arabian family. Gregory Hartel, spokesman for WHO said: citeste si comenteaza …